Thursday, December 15, 2005

Have you ever had a dream so vivid and real, that you almost believe it’s some sort of premonition?

I’ve never been a big vision/dream guy, but I’ve had a few of these dreams over the past 4 years that were so strong and impacting, that I dread the possibility that they will come true to this day. I don’t ever remember having dreams like this as a child, so I’m hesitant to think it’s something deeply rooted within my psyche. I’m more prone to believe that it all started here:

(This is me and what was left of my prized 1998 Isuzu Rodeo when it decided to try out some acrobatics on the side of a west Texas highway. I guess the fact that I was asleep in the drivers seat could have played a slight role it the whole ordeal.)

I’m not sure if I have these dreams in response to the fact that sleep is somewhat to blame for the start of all this night time fright. I only say that, because every one of these dreams involves me making a tragic mistake behind the steering wheel of a car. It has yet to be a fatal mistake, simply because it scares me so bad every time that I wake up.

This morning I had one of these dreams. It was very specific. It was very realistic. It was very frightening. This morning I escaped my dream just as I was checking my injuries. I remember feeling of my hands, and realizing they were really torn up. I remember knowing both legs were for sure crushed. I woke up before I got much further, but the details of the dream were so clear, that it’s almost as if it actually happened. It’s even more substantive, than a movie. It very much effected my day.

I’ve been very careful on the roads today. That may sound silly to you, but if you’ve ever had a dream like this, you’ll understand. I did actually have a flat tire this morning after a meeting, but it didn’t result in an accident (unless you count me banging my hands up changing the flat tire, of if you think the words I used WHILE banging my hands up were accidental).


thad said...
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thad said...

I'm not sure the dreams themselves are to blame. Maybe it's that you're dreaming while you're driving. Statistically speaking, if you're dreaming about wrecking your car while you're driving your car, there's an excellent chance that dream will come true.

Big Brother